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German Institute of Navigation
(DGON e.V.)


Source: ESA / ATG Medialab "Galileo-FOC-satellites-in-orbit"


The German Institute for Navigation was founded in 1951. From our Bonn office we manage an international network of members and organize conferences of national and international importance every year. You can find out more about our activities and staff at "About us" and "Conferences".

Commissions and technical committees

The DGON is organised into three commissions and five technical committees, each of which is up to date and regularly organises conferences and symposia for their specialist fields. The commissions are divided into the Air Traffic and General Aviation Navigation Commission, the Maritime Traffic and Navigation Commission, and the Terrestrial Traffic and Vehicle Navigation Commission. On the scientific side, our five technical committees (Radar Technology Committee, Gyro Technology Committee, Satellite Navigation Committee, Traffic Telematics Committee and Underwater detection, navigation and communication) complete our organisation.

Announcements / Information

Currently no announcements / information

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation (DGON) e.V.
-German Institute of Navigation-

Kölnstrasse 70
53111 Bonn

E-Mail:  dgon.bonn(at)t-online.de


International Membership of the DGON