The Maritime Traffic and Navigation Commission

  • Purpose, tasks and methods of the naval comittee

DGON's Maritime Traffic and Navigation Commission is an important actor in connecting distinct interests and giving visibility to the needs of all players in Maritime traffic and navigation. The Commission is a scientific association for navigation, which has a strong foundation in practice. It pursues the development, yyy, evaluation and dissemination of pertinent information and statements concerning the topics of navigational methods, collision prevention methods, maritime communication, traffic management, standardisation of integrated bridge systems and maritime education.

The field of activity is regularly adjusted to the needs and interests of the commission's members.

  • Forum for knowledge
    (information exchange)

The Maritime Traffic and Navigation Commission forms a forum aimed at exchanging information, experiences and opinions concerning current and future topics within the German and international Maritime Traffic, and their publication.


Continuous reporting about

  • both the national and the international status of development of relevant scientific enquiries and planned developments
  • the deliberations and decisions of national and international commissions
  • national and international conferences
  • requirements for processes and equipment
  • experience with established processes, equipment and systems

Symposia and expert conferences

  • Lectures
  • Discussions about current issues
  • DGON publications
  • requirements for processes and equipment
  • experience with established processes, equipment and systems
  • Opinion-forming forum
    (statements and consulting)

The Maritime Traffic and Navigation Commission enables a balanced formation of opinions through a wide range of maritime representatives

  • Preparation of statements, recommendations and proposals on maritime issues
  • Advisory work for quthorities and other associations
  • Identification of topics on which statements are necessary
  • Continuous monitoring of scientific and technical developments in the maritime field
  • Determining user needs and requirements
  • Statements and recommendations for national and international bodies
  • Formation of working groups and, if necessary, ad-hoc working groups within them.
  • Scientific activity

Due to the integrated expertise of its members, the Maritime Commission offers the opportunity for scientific and expert opinions.

  • Contributions to the scientific investigation of individual questions
  • Preparation of expert report
  • Promotion, influencing and expert support of projects
  • Support of research and development projects of the members
  • Forming expert groups
  • Continuous monitoring of scientific and technical developments in the maritime field
  • Determination whether and from which sources financial resources can be made available for this purpose.
  • Organisational structure and committees within the Maritime Traffic and Navigation Commission

Until 1971, DGON used the term "Technical Committee 3 (FA3): Maritime Traffic and Navigation". It was then renamed the "Maritime Traffic and Navigation Commission".

The chairmen of the Commission were:

  • Dipl. Ing. W. E. Steidle until 1972
  • Min. Rat a.D. Kpt. Sohnke 1972 until 1977
  • Prof. Kapt. Günther Zade 1977 until 1985
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Berking 1985 until 2004
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Müller 2004 until 2016
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carlos Jahn 2016 until 2021
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Baldauf 2021 until now
Source: Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes, WSV