The Terrestrial Traffic and Vehicle Navigation Commission

  • Subject matter

Navigation is a key technology for intelligent transport systems (ITS). Satellite positioning (GPS and Galileo) plays a decisive role here. At the same time, an architecture is being developed throughout Europe which - in line with a political model - will enable high-quality functions, services and services for road users. This will further increase traffic safety, reduce congestion, avoid emissions and provide traffic information across the board. The DGON Terrestrial Traffic Commission addresses the problem of how navigation technology can be integrated into the ITS/ITS architecture. There are a multitude of questions to be solved regarding system integration, applications and further development of technology.

  • Organisation

The Terrestrial Traffic Commission has some 50 members from the fields of science, industry and administration. It is headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Plank-Wiedenbeck (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Michler (TU Dresden) was elected as his deputy. Within the Land Transport Commission there is a steering committee of about 12 people which coordinates the strategic direction and activities of the Commission.

  • Activities

The DGON Terrestrial Traffic Commission deals with current issues concerning the application of navigation technologies in road and rail transport. It provides services for stakeholders (e.g. public authorities, industry, commercial transport service providers) through information and discussion contributions and develops argumentation and decision-making aids. Topics include new technologies and systems, user requirements and implementation strategies. In detail, the following activities are being carried out or are in preparation:

  • The Steering Committee of the Terrestrial Traffic Commission holds two meetings each year.
  • Organisation of one information and discussion event per year for the members of the Commission on current issues.
  • Participation in the scientific advisory board of the DGON by the chairman of the commission.
  • Support of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs in questions of national ITS architecture, in particular regarding the integration of GNSS applications.
  • Preparation of position papers on relevant topics.
  • Organisation of the twice-yearly POSNAV-ITS (in cooperation with the The Satellite Navigation Committee of the DGON).
  • Representation of DGON at ITS-Network Germany, the German traffic telematics organization, with focus on navigation.
  • Representation of DGON at the FGSV-Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen (Telematics Working Committee).
  • Cooperation with telematics networks in neighbouring countries Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands in questions of GNSS integration in ITS applications.