Guidelines for the awarding of honors and prizes in the framework of the Leo Brandt Award "DGON Master of Navigation" *)

Please send recommendatios for the 2024 awards to the DGON office by April 30, 2024

Awards and/or prizes within the framework of the Leo Brandt Award

Awards and/or prizes within the framework of the Leo Brandt Award are awarded yearly. The type and amount of the prizes connected to the award are set by the DGON Board of Directors. Multiple awards and prizes can be given. The distinction "DGON Master of Navigation" is given to the recipient of the main award. The distinction currently comes with a €1000,- reward.

Area of application

Graduates of German universities are eligible for funding.

Funding criteria

Awards and/or prizes are awarded on the basis of a thesis submitted to a German university, which must be submitted in the calendar year 2023 and at least rated "good". The thesis can be written in German or English.

Works in the field of positioning and navigation and the associated technologies will be examined.

The main focus of the submitted works should not be software development.

University teachers are eligible to enter.

Form of submission

The thesis must be submitted in electronic form, supplemented by a one-page abstract.

Evaluation committee

Each paper submitted will be reviewed by at least two independent experts appointed individually by the DGON Board at the suggestion of the WB. Efforts should be made to involve international experts.

Evaluation criteria

The reviewers are in no way bound to the grade awarded by the completed training institution or to any instructions of the DGON Board. The assessment should be based on general qualitative aspects as well as the aspects of innovation and the feasibility of the outlined solutions in navigational practice.


Based on the assessments by the experts, the WB develops a recommendation for the awarding of the "DGON Master of Navigation" *). The awarding of prizes / distinctions takes place according to the decision of the DGON board.


The submission of the work for appraisal does not represent a transfer of rights to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation or the experts consulted for the appraisal.

Return of the documents

All copies (electronic or non-electronic) will be destroyed after the decision of the DGON board about the award and/or award. All submitted data media will be archived by DGON for 10 years and then destroyed. A return does not take place.

Award ceremony

The awards and/or prizes for the "Leo Brandt" Prize will be presented by a representative of the DGON Board at a DGON scientific event.

*) DGON Master of Navigation is not an academic degreed
Status: January 31, 2024